Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diapers !?! (With a Modern Twist)

Our Cloth Diapering Journey

I knew before I was even pregnant that I wanted to cloth diaper. I had come across the "new" cloth diapers on pinterest (I believe) and fell in love! Not only was I going to save money, but my son was going to have the cutest butt in town! At first, my husband and our parents thought what many would. I was going to be using the prefold or flat diapers and plastic covers. Oh how times have changed! I wanted cute prints and colors (and nothing to do with prefolds or flats like the old days)! 

My mom (one of 6) told me a story of how her youngest brother was cloth diapered (this would have probably been in the 70s). She relayed how she had to go out to the clothesline in the middle of winter and pull the freeze dried, hard as a board, diapers off the line. "They were hanging with ice, and you could break them in half when they got too ragged," she said. After this conversation, I quickly introduced my mom to the world of the "pocket diaper". 

When I found out I was pregnant, I started buying pocket diapers here and there. I really wasn't aware of what brands were good, cheap, or the Cadillac of the cloth diapering world. I chose by print. I had ones with colorful bicycles, goldfish, elephants, chevrons, spiderman, and even mario kart on them! My mom was amazed at how far cloth diapers had come! 

Not only did my hubby jump on board, after I explained how much money we would be saving, but so did my parents and my in-laws. We even asked our daycare provider if they would mind using them and they were kind enough to try them (it has been going great by the way!). 

When first researching, I quickly became overwhelmed with the amount of different types of diapers, washing routines, care instructions, and prices ($4-$60+). I wanted to compile a cloth diapering system that would really work for our family....I'm still working on it. Don't get me wrong, cloth diapers have been amazing and have saved a ton of money, but I am still finding new ones to fall in love with and new systems to try.

This page will be dedicated to everything the cloth diaper....all my research, trials, tribulations, and loves!  

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